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A hereditary punctate keratoderma
A spiny keratoderma - the keratin spines resemble the bumps on the cylinder of a mechanical music box
A gross acquired keratoderma due to palmoplantar plaque psoriasis
An orange-red waxy keratoderma in type 1 pityriasis rubra pilaris
A keratoderma due to crusted scabies
Plaque psoriasis of the sole producing an acquired keratoderma
A keratoderma due to extensive palmar lichen planus - the more typical polygonal papules of LP can be appreciated above the wrists
A diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma
Hyperkeratosis and fissuring in a diffuse keratoderma
Symmetrical hyperkeratosis and gross heel fissuring in an acquired keratoderma
Hyperkeratosis and fissures on the palm in an acquired keratoderma
Diffuse hyperkeratosis and accentuation of skin creases on the palm in an acquired keratoderma
An acquired plantar keratoderma due to plaque psoriasis
An acquired plantar keratoderma
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