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Hypopigmented seborrhoiec dermatitis in HIV
Hypopigmented seborrhoiec dermatitis in HIV
Hypopigmented seborrhoiec dermatitis in HIV
Hypopigmented seborrhoiec dermatitis in HIV
Pigmented paranasal seborrhoeic dermatitis in skin of colour
Presternal seborrhoeic dermatitis and pityrosporum folliculitis
Confluent erythema and scale due to scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis.
Seborrhoeic blepharitis and dermatitis on the cheeks
Scale and erythema due to seborrhoeic dermattis on the glabella and brows
Flexural seborrhoeic dermatitis in the axilla
Dermoscopic image of diffuse yellowish greasy scales in a male patient with seborrhoeic dermatitis
Yellow greasy scale of crade cap in an infant (SD-patient1)
Dermoscopic image of seborrhoeic dermatitis showing adherent yellowish scales and interfollicular oily material on the scalp of a male infant (SD-patient1)
Dermoscopic image of hair casts represented by detached hyperkeratotic and parakeratotic cells of the inner root sheath which surrounds the hair shaft
Thick scale of seborrhoeic dermatitis in the scalp
Crural fold seborrhoeic dermatitis
Overlapping scale in severe scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis
Erythema and scale in the brows, glabella and nasolabial folds
Antecubital fossa infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
Nasolabial fold seborrhoeic dermatitis
Seborrhoeic dermatitis around the hair line and forehead in skin of colour
Presternal seborrhoeic dermatitis
Natal cleft and perianal seborrhoeic dermatitis
Honey-coloured scale in scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis
Scale and dandruff in seborrhoeic dermatitis
Cheek and nasolabial fold seborrhoeic dermatitis
Greasy scale at the hairline in seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient2)
Yellow scale in forehead seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient2)
Retroauricular seborrhoeic dermatitis
Seborrhoeic dermatitis around the ear lobe (SD-patient3)
Dermoscopy of cheek seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient3)
Cheek seborrhoeic dermatitis on dermoscopy (SD-patient3)
Retroauricular seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient3)
Seborrhoeic dermatitis and co-existing rosacea on the cheeks and forehead
Scalp, brow and facial infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
Yellow scale in infantile scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis
Perianal and natal cleft seborrhoeic dermatitis
Presternal erythema and scale in seborrhoeic dermatitis
Presternal seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient4)
Dermoscopy of presternal seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD-patient4)
Sternum / Mid Chest (SD-patient4)
Nasolabial fold seborrhoeic dermatitis
Marked erythema in cheek seborrhoeic dermatitis
Widespread infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
Extensive infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis - note eczema in the napkin area and axillae and crade cap
Thick yellow scale in crade cap
Inflammatory infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis – note lesions in the body folds
Severe seborrhoeic dermatitis in the napkin area
Cheek and nasolabial fold redness and scaling in seborrhoeic dermatitis