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What is the name for the skin condition?
Diffuse alopecia
What medications may be responsible?
Drugs may affect hair follicles by inducing an abrupt cessation of mitotic activity in rapidly dividing hair matrix cells within a few days (anagen effluvium) or by precipitating the follicles into premature rest, which takes 2 to 4 months (telogen effluvium). The most common offenders are cytostatics, anticoagulants, interferons, valproate and lithium. It may also follow the prescription of many other medications, including lipid lowering agents, beta-blockers, leflunomide, cimetidine, antidepressants and antithyroid drugs. Androgenic drugs may aggravate inherited pattern alopecia. Diffuse hair loss can also be associated with the use of oral contraceptives, while receiving the pill and after stopping the drug.
What management would you recommend?
Discontinuation of the medication or dose reduction almost always leads to complete hair regrowth, although this may take up to two years.