Basal cell carcinoma images
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Nodular ulcerated basal cell carcinoma in HIV infection
Giant neglected basal cell carcinoma ulcerated down to the skull
A small pigmented basal cell carcinoma on the upper lip (BCC-patient1)
A morphoeic basal cell carcinoma on the left lower lip - it is more easily seen when the skin is stretched
A superficial basal cell carcinoma - they are often pink and have an irregular thread-like edge
An advanced and neglected basal cell carcinoma on the eyelid
A slowly-spreading pink and well-marginated superficial basal cell carcinoma
A nodulocystic basal cell carcinoma on the upper lip - the enlarged vessels coursing over the pearly tumour are characteristic
A nodular basal cell carcinoma on the upper nasolabial fold (BCC-patient2)
A nodular basal cell carcinoma on the upper nasolabial fold (BCC-patient2)
A small pigmented basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient3)
An ulcerated pigmented basal call carcinoma at scalp margin (BCC-patient3)
A pigmented basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour on dermoscopy - note the telangiectasia and blue-grey blobs (BCC-patient4)
A nodular pigmented basal cell carcinoma in a Māori patient (BCC-patient5)
A nodular pigmented basal cell carcinoma in a Māori patient (BCC-patient5)
Dermoscopic image of a pigmented basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour - note the spoke-wheel pattern (BCC-patient5)
Superficial basal cell carcinoma arising in a dermatofibroma on the calf (BCC-patient6)
A superficial basal cell carcinoma arising over a dermatofibroma (BCC-patient6)
A superficial basal cell carcinoma arising over a dermatofibroma (BCC-patient6)
A pigmented nodular basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient7)
A pigmented nodular basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient7)
A pigmented nodular basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient7)
A pigmented nodular basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient7)
A small nodular basal cell carcinoma in a woman of Indian heritage (BCC-patient8)
Telangiectatic vessels in a small basal cell carcinoma in skin of colour (BCC-patient8)
A small basal cell carcinoma on the nose - note the angulated telangiectatic vessels
Dermoscopy of a deeply pigmented basal cell carcinoma in a Pacific Islander (BCC-patient9)
A pigmented basal cell carcinoma in an elderly South East Asian woman (BCC-patient11)
A morphoeic basal cell carcinoma on the lip - note the branched telangiectasia within the scar-like lesion
A medial calf basal cell carcinoma - it may mimic a venous ulcer
A linear basal cell carcinoma on the neck
A typical ulcerated nodular basal cell carcinoma - note the pearly appearence and broken telangiectatic vessels
A linear basal cell carcinoma on the neck
A nodular basal cell carcinoma on the lip - note the inferior ulceration
An ulcerated basal cell carcinoma in the sulcus of the pinna
Multiple superficial basal cell carcinomas after spinal radiotherapy (BCC-patient13)
Multiple superficial basal cell carcinomas after spinal radiotherapy (BCC-patient13)
A pigmented basal cell carcinoma on dermoscopy - note the broken telangiectasia and pigment flecks (BCC-patient14)
A pigmented basal cell carcinoma on dermoscopy - note the broken telangiectasia and pigment flecks (BCC-patient14)
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Basal cell carcinoma histopathology images
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A superficial basal cell carcinoma - buds of atypical basaloid cells bud down towards the dermis
A nodular basal cell carcinoma - nodules of dark basaloid cells can be seen with a surrounding stroma
A nodular basal cell carcinoma - the peripheral palisading of the basaloid cells can be appreciated
A pigmented basal cell carcinoma - flecks of melanin pigment can be seen within the stroma of the tumour
An infiltrative basal cell carcinoma - strands and buds of basaloid cells can be seen deep into the dermis
A fibroepithelioma of Pinkus - net-like interconnecting strands of basaloid cells and a vascular stroma are noted
A fibroepithelioma of Pinkus - interconnecting strands of basaloid cells interspersed with vascularised stroma
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