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Fixed drug eruption: glans penis
A typical oval erythematous fixed drug eruption - palms, soles, and lips are a common site. As they regress, hyperpigmentation is usual (FDE-patient1)
A typical oval erythematous fixed drug eruption - palms, soles, and lips are a common site. As they regress, hyperpigmentation is usual (FDE-patient1)
A bullous fixed drug eruption due to a sulfonamide (FDE-patient2)
A bullous fixed drug eruption due to a sulfonamide (FDE-patient2)
A healing bullous fixed drug eruption in the groin (FDE-patient2)
Fixed drug eruptions on the neck and back (FDE-patient2)
Plantar bullous fixed drug eruption due to cotrimoxazole
A fixed drug eruption on the penile shaft due to a tetracycline - genital lesions are a common location for fixed drug eruptions
A fixed drug eruption on the cheek; it resolved to leave hyperpigmentation
A recurrent blistering lesion on the tongue - it arose within a day of ingesting cotrimoxazole on each occasion it was taken
Red plaques that arose in the same place on each exposure to a sulfonamide drug - a fixed drug eruption
Blistering that arose on one shin on each exposure to a sulfonamide - a bullous fixed drug eruption