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Common skin conditions
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For each of the ten cases, study the image(s) and then answer the questions. You can click on the image to view a larger version if required.
Each case should take approximately five minutes to complete. There is a list of suggested further reading material at the end of the quiz.
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What is the most likely explanation?
He has rosacea, a common facial rash affecting the face of men and women in middle-life. Early rosacea presents with prolonged flushing (eg with heat, embarrassment, change of temperature, spicy food, alcohol). Inflammatory rosacea results in persistent erythema, papules and pustules on the cheeks, chin and mid-forehead. Telangiectasia is usual. The cause of rosacea is unknown; gastrointestinal infections, hormones, Demodex mites and climatic factors have been blamed.
He reports sore eyes. What condition (s) might relate to his rash?
Ocular rosacea is common particularly blepharitis and conjunctival hyperaemia and less frequently iritis, episcleritis and superficial punctate keratopathy. Rarely, corneal neovascularization, scarring and perforation occur.
How would you treat his skin complaint?
The majority of cases respond well to treatment, which may be required at least intermittently long term. Management may include: